I drove Sanjay to work yesterday, and as we cross through a light standard I automatically remind him that the speed limit slows from 60 to 50 on the other side. He slows down, and the next block down we seen 2 police cars sitting in a parking lot with 4 cops. One manning the speed gun, one directing the speeders into the parking lot and two handing out tickets.
My tax dollars HARD at work. They are so predictable it is sad. Every 28th of the month they can be seen somewhere along this strip pulling speeders over, to get the quotient for the month. And honestly, this is the most benign street in the city. From our entrance onto this street until it changes speeds there is a set of condos 25+Meters back from the sidewalk on one side, and an 8 foot fence (protecting the houses!) on the other side.
When the speed limit changes to 50 the side with the 8 foot fence turns into an empty field backing onto some industrial type buildings( I can't see the buildings from the street, so I don't actually know what they are). On the other side of the street is a walking path, and behind that a public park. So really, why does the speed change? The only reason I can surmise is to catch people who don't know or have forgotten about it. It's an easy money trap for them.
The sad part is I can speed down that street 27 days of the month, just so long as I don't do it the last 2 days of each month.
Why aren't they out doing something productive instead of fining innocent people just trying to get around? I can think of a few things that would be a better use of their time. They could arrest crazy people they have warrants for (right Tanya?) Or even catch speeders who might actually be dangerous. Like the losers who speed up and down residential streets during rush hour, after school has let out and kids are outside playing.
I have phoned multiple times to complain about the way they speed down my street. I have even requested they put up a stop sign in front of my house. *I am on a corner with only a 2 way stop* They told me that unless there are more then 7 accidents per year at the intersection they won't consider it. With all my complaints I have never seen cops park themselves at this corner to investigate the speeding.
Here's an idea...They can start arresting all these people.
Can you see what she is doing? She's driving and texting at the same time. I snapped this picture while we drove home from the zoo this summer. It was rush hour and we were on a major road. She had no idea I was right beside her taking her picture; she had no idea what was going on around her. This isn't safe, why is she still allowed to be driving? Why hasn't she been fined? Instead of pulling over people who are doing 60 in a "newly changed to 50" zone, why aren't they going after the real road dangers?
I can't count on one hand how many times per car ride I see people slamming on brakes, only to pass them a moment later and see them with a cell phone in hand, either dialing or texting.
I love that we have increased our police force...I just wish they were actually being used to "Serve and Protect" instead of "Extort and Pillage".