Saturday, September 12, 2009


Okay people, seriously?  CongraDulations?  Really? Congradulations!  Do you actually pronounce it like that?  That is just bad auditory grammar.  Anybody who speaks like that should be made to take an eloquence course.  Congradulations.  Unbelievable.

Apparently this is a big peeve of mine.  I can't think of how many times I have seen people write this.  It has happened a lot on facebook lately.  Lots of babies and lots of congrads...  Even now, a little red line appears under that word signifying a serious spelling error.  Doesn't anybody else have that?  I guess nobody cares about proper spelling or grammar anymore.  Made obvious by how many times I have seen people write "wat u want?"  okay, now honestly, is it really difficult while typing to add the h in what? or type two extra letters and spell "you" out properly?  Not only does it look stupid, but I ALWAYS read it as WAT not what?  Wow, I guess I am just funny that way, reading words as they are written. 
Call me prejudiced, but as soon as I see someone with very obvious misspelled words (and not a typo), I automatically lower their intelligence level in my head.  I mean seriously people, you don't even have to be a good speller anymore, you just have to be observant enough to see a red line on your screen and right click it to find the correct word.
 I guess society has turned lazy.  Big surprise there.         


  1. On the subject of bad auditory grammer...One of my favorites is when people say chewsday instead of Tuesday...

    I often ask if chewsday is the day between Wednesday and Thursday.

  2. ...or q-pon instead of coupon....

    I'm right there with you on the grammar thing!

  3. I have to agree, especially about my immediate assumption that their IQ has suddenly lowered. Speak properly and clearly. Use your spell check, it's very simple really. I think it just shows how lazy society has gotten, we can no longer take the time to even spell properly.
